This whole blogging thing is starting to get really intense. I've delayed in writing this blog long enough, so where should I start? I really didn't know where to go when I read the topic...I mean, last topic, I argued that humans should not be able to modify the genes of their children. But our whole lives, the food we eat and even some of our dogs or animal friends have been genetically enhanced or mutated. Really, is there any justification in this and under what rights do we have?
When I ask myself these questions, I think of the blog topics we have all previously wrote about. Think back to when we were talking about whether or not we were good stewards of the world. When I wrote that blog, I thought about global warming and climate change. That's large scale stuff. But what about the things we eat everyday and all the groceries in the supermarket. Is anything real these days? Think about it...we don't live in God's natural, beautiful world's just all fake, nothing like what He intended it to be.
But honestly, I could see how we got here, just like how I'm sure the people of the appropriate generation could see how designer babies and whatever other monstrosities we cause, were created. Everything (most things, anyways) always starts out seeking good, but we always end up taking it too far. I can see how people started making their crops disease resistant by modifying it genetically, because back then, this was their livelihood and their families needed to be fed. A bad harvest was devastating. This is just how modifying human genes started, when people started to find a cure for sex-linked diseases. Genetically modifying dogs? People wanted dogs to perform certain tasks and to do certain things. Yes, kind of selfish, but not as bad as having people today purposely make "dog show worthy" dogs. I don't blame people who own mixed bred dogs, because I have one myself (see below-his name is Boomer!), so I hope this isn't a biased opinion. But I think people who own dogs in general are dog-lovers and it wouldn't matter if they were purebred or mixed. Mixed dogs aren't bad, because different types just...might have had a connection - it's wrong when humans step in to encourage it. Mixed bred dogs are just the norm of today's society, as are all kinds of genetically modified crops and animals.
The wide variety of foods we have come to love and know have most probably been genetically modified somewhere down the line. When we really think about it, a part of us thinks it's wrong, but the other part of us thinks "How could it be wrong? I've lived like this my whole life, so it's impossible that there's a problem." A lot us think like this, because we don't want to open the door to the possibility of opening the door to changing the way we live our life, because life is good. Like they say, ignorance is bliss. To be honest, I don't know what we can do. But I think just knowing will do us good in the future. Maybe realizing the mistake we made can prevent the human race from making another mistake, such as allowing parents to select the genes of their children. We need to think beyond ourselves.
We always think things of the world in relation to us, as if we're in the center of it. But lwe're not, so let's take a look at something other than ourselves, like animals . Animals can be mutated by artificially selecting traits, which is very inhumane. Take the example of a chicken selected to be without feathers. Their nakedness makes them more vulnerable to sunburn, parasites, and mosquitoes. Male chickens are unable to flap their wings, making them unable to mate. Seriously, if they ain’t broke, don’t fix ‘em.
Let's go back and take a look in the mirror. You know, since we do think we're at the center of the universe, it would help if we used this mentality to see just how much our lives depend on the livelihood of others. We truly are all in this together. To answer the question from the first blog, no, we are not good stewards of the earth, because we cater to ourselves first and this is not an attribute of a good steward. In my designer babies blog, I said that humans would always try to find something fix. Maybe we need to fix ourselves, and I don't mean by altering our genes. We need to change our mindset to the fact that things always have a way of working themselves out, WITHOUT our help. And for this blog, I would like to conclude that artificial selection is wrong with the wrong intentions. So where will you stand?
Works Cited
Answers Corporation. (2009). artificial selection. Retrieved December 13, 2009, from
Education, B. (2009). Artificial Selection. Retrieved December 9, 2009, from Understanding Evolution:
Wikianswers-What are the advantages and disadvantages of artificial selection? (2009). Retrieved December 2009, 14, from Wikianswers: <